Postpartum: insights and practical advice we offer valuable support in facing the challenges of this delicate period.

Overall maintenance of the new mother’s health

How it restores Mobility

After childbirth, many women may experience tension and stiffness in the pelvic, lumbar, and abdominal muscles, as well as reduced overall mobility due to the process of pregnancy and childbirth itself.

An experienced osteopath will use a combination of manual techniques to assess and treat areas of the body that may be affected by pregnancy and childbirth. This may include manipulating joints to restore proper alignment, releasing tension in contracted muscles, and improving blood circulation and lymphatic flow to promote healing and recovery.

How it promotes Posture

New mothers may experience changes in posture and mobility due to the extra weight of pregnancy and changes in body biomechanics. Osteopathy can help correct postural imbalances and restore joint mobility, facilitating a return to a normal pattern of movement.

Osteopathy focuses on overall body balance and well-being, recognizing that posture and mobility are influenced not only by physical structure, but also by muscle tension, the nervous system, and emotions. After childbirth, the body goes through a period of adaptation, and postural and mobility changes can cause discomfort and limitations in daily movements and allowing for more free and pain-free movement.

In addition to pain relief and improved mobility, mothers can experience increased energy and overall well-being.

How Breastfeeding Improves

Breastfeeding is a special and precious time for new mothers and their babies, but it can also come with its own set of physical and emotional challenges.

During breastfeeding, new mothers may experience muscle tension in the neck, shoulders and back, which can affect the correct position of the baby at the breast and cause discomfort.

By reducing muscle tension and dysfunction, new mothers can experience greater comfort during breastfeeding and reduce the risk of breast pain and mastitis. In addition, improving the baby’s position during breastfeeding can promote effective sucking and reduce the risk of breast engorgement and other sucking issues.

Breastfeeding is a wonderful experience, but it can also come with physical challenges. Fortunately, osteopathy offers valuable help in addressing these challenges by improving the baby’s position during breastfeeding, reducing muscle tension, and reducing the risk of complications such as breast pain and mastitis.


After childbirth, osteopathy can offer a number of significant benefits for new mothers, helping them in the process of recovery and adjustment to their new role as parents. Here are some insights into the use of osteopathy after childbirth:

  1. Restoring mobility: During pregnancy and childbirth, the body undergoes significant biomechanical and muscular changes. Osteopathy can help restore joint and muscle mobility, reducing the tension and pain associated with these changes.
  2. Treatment of muscle and joint dysfunction: New mothers may experience muscle tension and joint dysfunction due to pregnancy and childbirth. Osteopathy can help treat these conditions, improving comfort and quality of daily life.
  3. Support for postpartum healing: After childbirth, the body needs time to heal and recover. Osteopathy can accelerate this process by improving blood and lymphatic circulation and reducing the risk of postpartum complications such as inflammation and breast engorgement.
  4. Pain management: Many new mothers experience back, neck, or shoulder pain after childbirth due to the added weight of pregnancy and postural changes. Osteopathy can help manage this pain by reducing muscle tension and improving spinal alignment.
  5. Lactation support: As mentioned earlier, osteopathy can be particularly useful for new mothers who are breastfeeding, helping to improve the baby’s position during breastfeeding and reducing the risk of complications such as breast pain and mastitis.

In summary, osteopathy offers a diverse range of benefits for new mothers after childbirth, helping them in the process of recovery and adjustment to their new role as parents.

Practical advice

Here are some practical tips from the osteopathic approach for new mothers after childbirth:

  1. Maintain good posture: It is important to maintain good posture during breastfeeding, baby-lifting and other daily activities. Avoid bending forward and trying to keep the spine straight can help reduce muscle tension and prevent back pain.
  2. Do light exercises: After delivery, it is advisable to start with light exercises to strengthen pelvic floor muscles and improve core stability. Kegel exercises and other specific exercises can help reduce the risk of urinary incontinence and other problems related to postpartum muscle weakness.
  3. Pay attention to breathing: Deep, mindful breathing can help reduce stress and tension in the body, promoting muscle relaxation and postpartum healing. Practicing diaphragmatic breathing can be especially helpful in restoring respiratory function and reducing muscle tension.
  4. Take breaks and ask for help: It is important to take time to rest and recover after childbirth. Asking partners, family members, or friends for help can be invaluable in managing daily challenges and allowing the new mother to devote time to her physical and emotional recovery.
  5. Consider osteopathic treatment: A professional osteopath can provide valuable support during the postpartum period, helping to reduce muscle tension, improve joint mobility and facilitate the overall healing process. Undergoing regular osteopathic treatments can be an integral part of recovery and wellness after childbirth.

In conclusion, following these practical tips can help new mothers better manage the postpartum period and promote a healthy and harmonious recovery. Consulting a professional osteopath can be an important step in getting the support and assistance needed during this sensitive time in a woman’s life.

The Postpartum Solution

The postpartum period represents a significant transitional phase for our dear mothers, characterized by intense physical, emotional and psychological changes. While joyfully welcoming the little one into the family, new mothers may also experience physical discomfort from labor and delivery.

This article will study the benefits of osteopathy in the treatment of postpartum disorders.

Join us as we delve into the critical role of osteopathy in promoting healing and a return to normalcy after childbirth.

Consulting a professional osteopath can be an important step in ensuring a healthy and complication-free recovery after childbirth.

Happy reading and welcome to the “world of postpartum osteopathy!”

Benefits of Postpartum Osteopathy

Osteopathy can be of great support to the mother during the postpartum period, helping her to cope with discomforts such as breast incontinence, urinary incontinence, and musculoskeletal pain, including cervical, lumbar, shoulder, and wrist pain (such as tendinitis). In addition, it can help treat scars and restore the body’s overall balance after childbirth. It is recommended that osteopathy sessions be considered after the first 40 days after delivery, when both mother and baby will have begun to adapt and balance naturally.

  • Relief of pain and muscle tension: osteopathy can help relieve low back pain, pelvic pain, and other muscle and joint pain caused by postpartum changes.
  • Improved circulation: through gentle manipulation techniques, the osteopath can improve blood and lymphatic circulation, which can help reduce swelling and promote better healing.
  • Correcting hormonal balance: osteopathy can help correct the hormonal imbalance caused by pregnancy and childbirth, which can have a positive impact on mood and emotional well-being.

How the Osteopathic examination and treatment takes place:

Importantly, each osteopathic treatment is tailored to the specific needs and conditions of the new mother.

The birthing process can have a significant impact on the mother’s body, leaving tangible marks and causing a range of physical discomforts.

The uterus contracts and returns to its normal size, hormone levels fluctuate, and muscles and ligaments relax. These changes can cause a variety of discomforts and problems, such as back pain, pelvic pain, urinary incontinence, constipation, and fatigue.

Pelvic pain: childbirth can cause tension in the muscles and ligaments of the pelvis, which can cause pain and discomfort.

The main goal is to provide pain relief safely and effectively, contributing to the woman’s complete recovery and overall well-being after childbirth. The most affected tracts are the diaphragm, spine and pelvis, specifically the perineum.

The bodily force of contractions and the forced dilation of the pelvic bones and birth canal leave their traces, especially when childbirth is long and difficult.

Osteopaths intervene in pain after childbirth by focusing on assessing and treating musculoskeletal and visceral dysfunctions that may result from the childbirth experience, they use gentle manual techniques to reduce pain and promote the recovery of the new mother’s body.

They carefully examine the affected areas of the body, such as the pelvis, sacrum, coccyx, and lumbar region. They then use techniques such as joint mobilization, myofascial release, and craniosacral therapy to relieve muscle tension, improve circulation, and promote the healing process.

In addition, the involvement of the autonomic nervous system in postpartum pain is also considered, seeking to restore balance and regulation of the nervous system to reduce pain perception and promote relaxation.

Urinary incontinence: some women may have difficulty controlling their bladder after childbirth, which can be treated with osteopathic techniques.

A professional osteopath will use various manual techniques to assess and treat the areas of the body involved in postpartum urinary incontinence, this may include treatment of the pelvis to restore proper alignment, for release of tension in the pelvic muscles, and optimization of the function of the autonomic nervous system that regulates the bladder and pelvic muscles.

Osteopathic treatment for postpartum urinary incontinence offers several benefits. First of all, it is a natural solution. It also aims to treat the underlying cause of the problem rather than just the symptoms, which can lead to more lasting and significant results over time. Finally, many women report significant improvement in their symptoms after only a few sessions that enable the mother to better care for her newborn.

With the help of an osteopath, you can effectively manage this problem and regain control of your bladder naturally and safely.

Constipation: hormonal changes and pressure on internal organs during pregnancy and childbirth can cause constipation, which can be relieved with osteopathy.

During pregnancy and postpartum, many women may experience constipation due to hormonal changes and pressure on internal organs. This condition can be not only uncomfortable but also frustrating. Fortunately, osteopathy offers a comprehensive approach to relieve constipation and restore intestinal well-being.

The baby’s growth causes pressure on internal organs, slowing intestinal transit and causing constipation. In addition, childbirth itself can cause tension in the pelvic muscles and abdomen, further affecting bowel function.

The osteopath will use gentle manual techniques to assess and treat the areas of the body involved in constipation. This may include manipulation of pelvic joints to reduce pressure on internal organs, release of tension in abdominal and pelvic muscles, and improvement of bowel mobility through mobilization techniques.

In conclusion, if you are a new mother looking for relief and support after childbirth, osteopathy may be the answer you are looking for.

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