Elkin Osteopathic Center
Pediatric Osteopathy

Dr. Elkin Giovanni Mojica Castelblanco
The osteopath with the help of various non invasive tests can analyze the range of motion of the bones, limbs, the internal organs of the body, the fascial system and the craniosacral system. That allows the doctor to correctly employ the gentle but efficacious technique to stimulate the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Osteopathy codifies the signal that the body expresses with its movement with various degree of intensity.
What does Osteopathy cure?
Dr Elkin’s advice
Just 15 minutes of exercise a day will help you stay healthy!
Regular exercise helps to:
Promote the quality of your sleep
Boost your energy
Reduce stress and anxiety levels
Protect you from injuries
Improve your posture
Reduce issues with your digestive system
Build your self confidence
Osteopath home visit service is now available!
Satisfied Patients
Cristiana Bigari
“I am an art restorer and my job is hard on my joints: I started suffering from dizziness, condition provoked by the reduced spaces between the intervertebral discs in my neck and rhizarthrosis in my right hand. I always have very little time to dedicate to my health and I always look for fast-working treatments or remedies, something I found at Dr Elkin’s Studio. After each treatment I immediately feel significant relief, as the doctor is working on the source of the problem while alleviating the symptoms, like dizziness which went away away right after my first treatment. It allowed me to get back to work and to my day-to-day life, and it guaranteed not only my physical health but also improved the way I feel, because each session with Dr Elkin brings back peace and serenity both to my mind and my body.”
Valeria Meuti
“In 2015 I was in an accident which required a knee surgery and a lot of physical therapy, and I contacted Dr Elkin for the rehabilitation program. Today, almost three years after the accident, not only have I completed my rehabilitation but I have also resolved some of the issues regarding my posture and the incorrect gait. One of the best parts is that with Dr Elkin, the rehabilitation process was pain-free and under the control of a competent Doctor who ever since the very beginning understood the situation and found the best techniques to guide my healing process.”
Antonia Polimeni
“I was absolutely clueless about osteopathy until May of 2018. Before that, I had actually never had the need to contact a professional. But due to some issues I developed because of an overstrain while jogging, I began to experience some discomfort in my right hip which soon transformed into severe and sharp pain. Starting the osteopathic treatment with Dr Elkin meant both treating the pain and, what’s most important, work on the underlying issues and the causes. Thanks to osteopathy, for the first time in my life, I really understood the importance of a correct posture that significantly improves the quality of life. Dr Elkin is a highly qualified professional. He was there for me throughout the whole journey of healing and rehabilitation. I would advise anyone to try osteopathic treatment, because apart from treating injuries and strains, this check-up allows you to understand how your body works, and how to prevent and reduce painful interventions”.
Italian Osteopathy Registry
Inscription n° 5228